Swiss Foundation Code
The Swiss Foundation Code (SFC) is an application-based tool designed to help managers of grant-making foundations and other NPOs fulfil their tasks.
With the new AI-based search function, you can easily and quickly search the 4 principles and 28 recommendations of the code by keyword, several words or entire sentences. In contrast to a simple text search, the results are listed according to their proximity to your search terms. You can read each result directly in the PDF and save or print it for further use.
First published in 2005, the Swiss Foundation Code is now one of the most renowned good governance guidelines for charitable foundations in Europe. It was updated in 2009 and 2015, and the fourth, completely revised edition was published in 2021.
The Swiss Foundation Code sees itself as a self-regulatory and application-orientated tool. Its topics of creation, management, funding and finance can be applied to all types and sizes of charitable foundations.
The printed version of the Swiss Foundation Code 2021 can be ordered from Stämpfli Verlag.
The Swiss Foundation Code was conceived by the foundation sector and is published by SwissFoundations, the association of Swiss grant-making foundations. The authors of the 4th edition from 2021 are Thomas Sprecher, Philipp Egger and Georg von Schnurbein.
The digital AI-based search function was made possible by a grant from the Gebert Rüf Stiftung and implemented by the Center for Philanthropy Studies at the University of Basel.